Artist, Web Design, Illustrator, Animation. Welcome to my Newgrounds page. Here is where I like to do small animation projects. Some are 2D, 3D and even sprite.
Well my part is coming along just fine, a decent amount of dialog will be added as well as some really epic moments. I've been streaming most of it on Twitch which is a slow process, still a bit more I would like to add and so far I'm about 12 minutes worth into it. There is still the matter of adding sounds and touch ups which will happen off stream.
I've did a couple of test runs to see how things flow and I'm happy with the results so far, once I feel I'm near the end there will be no spoilers for the ending. For my voice actors, we will get up soon and for my animators, if you have something to share or done with your scene, feel free to pass them over.
I'm looking towards summer, mid or near the end of summer for this project to be completed. If sooner will be great and hope we can all return to our normal lives. Be safe out there guys. Maybe next post here will come with a trailer. Here are a few snap shots.
First off, I hope everyone out there is being safe. I have my thoughts about all this lock down and virus nonsense, but I'm not into political bs so let's just skip that noise.
Anyways, for the past couple of months I've been researching the files and gathering the team together for the third installment of Frieza's Wish.
99% of the team is back on board but there are some I haven't heard back yet. They still have time to reply since the project is going in production, but it is possible extra help maybe needed for this to happen. Another good news is all the files used in previous episode far as characters and pre-made scenes for the project have been recovered. Thank god e-mail transactions where saved.
Far as the story goes it still need to be written out so my voice actors will have to remain on standby, some of the animators are resuming their scene. I plan on making this the final and epic episode for the fan made project.
The Z fighters may have their hands full with the Hunters. They have faced some tough foes in the past, but this is one fight the faith of the universe rest on the outcome of this battle. Will our heroes win this fight? Or will Frieza actually become victorious?
So here are a few snap shots for the episode along with a sneak teaser. (Not the trailer.)
As of now there is no due date but we will try to get it out this year soon.
It has been over a year since the last episode and I think it's time to start building the project again as well a recruiting the team. It's DBZ season with the new game that's out, plus you fans been waiting too long for this.
Yes! Frieza's Wish episode 3 will go into production this year and I'm looking to begin this project soon, all though there are a few other projects and collabs that's also building behind close doors. As you reading this I'm currently gathering the team and files that have been lost.
This will be the final part of the movie and we are going make this one hell of a finally peace, we may have new members on board that is willing to help out. This is not a paid project! However you are welcome to use this project as a portfolio peace as well as to live stream the making of your part if you happen to be a streamer.
For those voice actors whom took part in previous episodes if you wish to take part once again in the project, please remind me of the characters you've voice act. I will need your help on this due to some of you may have change your NG name as well as for me missing the original list of who's playing whom.
For the animators if you happen to kept your files from the previous episode, please resend me the file. If not then no worries, I will gather the characters and backgrounds once again for us to use. You may continue your parts or if you wish not to continue in this project, please send me what you have and you will still be credited to the project. No worries if it's incomplete, another animator or I will finish up the scene.
We are not starting the project right away, but looking to start something next month. Voice actors I will have all your lines written and handed to you so you can begin recording your parts, you may improvise your lines if you like or add some. We maybe in need of new Voice Actors and Animators to join the team if so, if you would like to take part in this project please feel free to let me know in this post. I will need to see and hear some of your previous work, we are looking for voice actors that sound exactly or come close of any of the DBZ heroes or villains needed for this project if any of previous members back out.
How close? Here are the past episodes you can catch and find out.
If you get the part you will be added to the collaboration here on NG. Also there will be a discord channel for this project once we get the team together. If I miss anything or you have any questions about the project feel free to let me know or ask.
We are coming to a close of 2019 and 2020 is around the corner. Feels a bit strange and a bit scary to say 2020. We are moving more into the age of the future and I hope things will be bright.
2019 Goals.
Thank you guys so much for the daily pick for Cyber Fight. It was fun working on it and much love to those that attended the stream watching the slow process of it in the making. If I'm able to upgrade my equipment to a point where things flow a lot smoother, then a lot more can be shown and done faster.
This year I've put most of my time into streaming and networking with the Binx community.
If it wasn't for the community I wouldn't have come across a lot of amazing people.
By being an active member, it comes with rewards.
I may not ever reach partner on Twitch, but this goal has happen on Binx. Almost teared up when this notice came. This means I have special perks I can do and give out to viewers. This is something I've been aiming for months and I'm honored to have such a role.
Playing this game is so rewarding to a point you can be part of it. Literally! By becoming one of the top three players or streamer of the game, you can get your name in the game as a rare card to find.
First place gets personal exclusive decal. :)
Like many artists out there I understand it can be very challenging to show cast or find a direction flow to get your work out there. Speaking for myself I'm grateful to have find a streaming site I can really build from. Some use Mixer, Youtube or Twitch as well as others that may provide streaming service.
This is something NG may want to start to look into, if the servers can handle the stress.
I'm honored that there are people out there that loves what I do and I love giving back to the community when I can even if its giving prints for free or supporting.
I'm not taking anything away from Newgrounds and if it wasn't for this site I wouldn't have come across you great peoples. This site inspired me over the years and will always have a place in my heart as well as the many fans whom continue to support what I do.
Sorry I haven't been much active here on Newgrounds this year, if you remember from a few posts ago I mention I wasn't going to be to productive this year and some may know why. I'm glad I was able to at least push out 1 project before the years end. Far as next year goes I'm just going to let things flow instead of giving false hopes when it comes to these sprite animations. There are only a few that is left in the Pandora's box before calling it quits when it comes to these type of projects.
I'm not much of a traditional animator, but with reference as well as working with sprites inspires me to do something special for my little Queen character.
The Queen is getting so much love during stream to a point she is running it as host and mascot, she's even part of the alert system when something happens on stream she reacts by facing the screen and talk. It's not much! But I put work into her darn it! Lol
For 2020 my brother and I are looking to open up shop sometime. There are some things we need to work out before hand, we have the studio, just a matter of cleaning up the space.
Drawing and animations will always be my passion to do, I hope I'm able to attend some events next year to really push myself.
Far as projects goes guys. I'm not going to talk about it. I see Fans are still demanding these to happen and I would love to get it out some day. So far as sprite animations goes this is what may happen next year.
Please don't hold me to it or ask which ones will come first. I'm not going to plan which one get's worked on first or what not, just going with the feeling.
For those who wish to take part of any of the collab projects there will be a collab post in the future when the time comes. This is the last post for 2019 guys. Wow how time just went by, it felt like a month ago since my first post of the year.
Much Love to all! See you and have a safe New Year!
That's right folks! For those who are interested in my Art work. feel free to take a look around and see what you can rock out for the new year to come.
2020 is around the corner and I'll be pumping out more cool designs for prints. Your support means a lot as well to help me continue bringing contents to the social media. If you happen to snag a print from me feel free to take a picture of you and the item you happen to purchase and it'll be an honor to add your pic to my website as well as other social media sites that I'm on.
I'm happy how this turn out and I think you guys may enjoy this ride. Crimson Viper with Juri VS Cyrax and Sector are going head to head and an all bout Cyber Fight.
So grab that popcorn or coffee and enjoy the ride.
The Next 2 on 2 match up is almost here. Still a bit of work to do, but I'm aiming sometime next week to get this out.
Sorry for the delays of the other works I like to get out. but time just fly by too fast, let alone the updates I've been working on for my Twitch page. Anyways, here's just a couple of snap shots for the animation.
Just a minor post of what's to come. My apologizes for not coming through on doing a summer VR stream. Things didn't work out as plan, due to life and it takes a special method to set up the Quest to stream properly. Maybe sometime next year or so something may happen.
Time is going by so fast and only a few mouths left till 2020. Oh wow! As a kid I would thought by this time we'll have flying cars or something, never the less out technology is growing fast. Video games are being made every day. Honestly I'm at the point it's hard for me to keep up with them let alone playing them. I been playing video games since I was a kid and never thought people today will be banking off doing so. (Smh) The perfect dream job right.
Coming This Fall – Winter - 2020
For the next couple of months I plan on buckle down and work hard on the following listing.
Bigger project will have to fall over to next year if so. But there are a couple of sprite movies I will be finishing up and begin working on before the end of the year.
New Art Category Coming to Universal Flavor
It's time to expand my print shop with furry chibi and more alien designs. New prints will be coming this fall and winter. I normally don't draw furry characters but lately I find doing so really fun as well as bringing in commissions. So yeah, new seasonal prints are in the works.
Tomb Runner. - Fall
There are some more work that needs to be done for this one and fragrantly guys I just want this project done and over with. I'm still debating about just making this a music adventure short story run.
Voice acting and sound effects will be left out.
Sorry folks, the passion on this project is kinda fading.
Cyber Fight. - Fall or Winter
Don't be surprise if you see this come out before Tomb Runner. When working on Cat Fight, I did thought about doing another 2 on 2 match up. Problem was I wasn't too sure who to use at the time. (Problem solve.)
I'm going to be working on this pretty soon and can't wait to get started.
Wow what a time off here from Newgrounds! The year is already half way over and 2020 is around the corner. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer vacation while it last. It's been months since I posted anything but some art work and last year for a movie project.
I told myself at the beginning of the year I was going to take things slow and not over do it, well I kept to my word and took time off from production work. But this does not mean I didn't come empty handed. For the past couple of months I have been a bit busy updating my stream on Twitch.
And thing have been updated majorly with new scenes and contents and more.
Community Games.
Well first off I have been taking part in some community group in the streaming world far as gaming goes, the past couple of months I've been on a bit of a grind with the Marbles on Stream game developed by PixelbyPixelStudios.
I must say it's a great marble racing game to play with other viewers as well as winning coins to by effects for your marble or skins to apply to your marble.
Because of this game I've came across a lot of good people and followers. I hope to some day get my own personal marble made in the game.
Yes! You can actually get your own marble skin in the game if you wish to pay for it or grind for it. The game is a seasonal game which rollers have a chance to get top 100 on the leader board... (Ahem)......
Lol, with season 10 coming to an end I manage to reach rank 13. And what's cool about the new season is they have rewarded the top 20 races a special chevron to go along with your marble for life.
(The little V shape badge) Ranks and scores gets reset every season so I took this opportunity to snap shot my rank while I can. Earning that rank took some grind on the viewer side which means to drop a marble in much streamers that's playing it as possible. Now nothing but casual rolling from here on out.
There's also Stream Captain and Crash Em Derby games I also enjoy playing when stream. Stream Captain is basically an RPG game where viewers can join your battle field to battle enemies and earn rewards. Crash Em Derby is a game from a really cool site called I recommend streamers to joint the site for this community site helps out streamers by featuring them on their site as well as raiding your stream bringing viewers. If you guys like to rock any of these games sometime by all means come to my stream and let's rock. I plan on streaming these games this week so give me a follow on my Twitch page.
New Streaming Contents.
For the next month I plan on streaming other games and more art work when I can, a good friend of mine went through the trouble to get three, count them! Three Oculas Quest head set. So party Oculas gaming streams may soon to come, we just need to work things out properly. There maybe some other system and PC gaming streams that may take place as well.
Also the Queen has her own collection card set which you can collect or redeem during streaming. Each card has a description to go along with it and we do what it says during streaming.
I admit guys streaming is not easy but I do what I can to provide cool contents and chill moments, it's not 100% flawless but it works for what it is.
I would never thought I would be worthy of a sponsorship but it's has happen. I receive an e-mail from an app game by the name of Golf Clash and they offered a sponsorship, after doing a bit of research it's the real deal. Not going to pass that up.
Art and Projects.
My art drive is still active and been putting in a bit of commission works here and there. But I like to get back into working on my new summer gears for my shop.
Also I have been back and forth with flash for a bit and still got some work to do for Tomb Runner. I'm getting to the point where I just want to finish it or do I even feel like it. But I might as well do so since I put some work into it, this is something they may come at the end of the summer or fall.
The urge to jump in Frieza's Wish is beginning to spark up.
Inspired by some Manga comics I've watch on Youtube and DBZ heroes, I've been thinking about some epic moments and ideas for the next episode. Still pretty much in the same boat with the project so here is a video format version for previous post.
And there you have it guys, I hope I can bring something here before the end of the year, even if it's small and simple. Who knows, my Queen may have something to say soon.
Special thanks to @TechLeSSWaYz for this cool chibi version of her. That look. Lol
Hope everyone is off to a good start for new year.
I like to thank all you guys for the love and support here on Newgrounds. You guys inspire me to keep me bringing you content here when I can and hope I can continue to do so. Even if's fan made or original content, I enjoy every moment doing so. But most of the credit goes to you guys the supporting fans as well as other talented members here that allowed me to be part of their collaboration projects and those that was apart of mine. May you all do well where ever you are much love!
Okay where to start...?
This year I may not be able to do too much sprite animations like I normally would like to do. My free time for big projects is limited this year as I will be looking for a new place to move into soon. With that said I plan on doing a lot more live streaming this month and self promo. I admit I've been lacking on getting myself out there by using social media sites. But this year I need to change my way of thinking and use the tools that's given. With that said I'm not the type of artist that spams what I do or like to beg for anything, but every bit does help.
Full Time Streamer!
Guys I would like to become a full time live streamer on Twitch. For this to happen I would need your help to make this happen. The contents I provide will be Art Works from Traditional to Digital process. Flash Sprite Animations in the making and Video Gaming single and multiplayer with viewers.
I try to keep the stream hype and chill and even music request. (Rules apply!)
You can earn cool sub badges and emotes of my Queen character you can use in any stream if you subscribe to my channel. Earn points by playing chat games or by supporting yours truly.
Your support will help and means a lot that your name will be added to the credit list forever on leader board and stream. It will also help make stream better as well as giving back to the community with giveaway prizes and support.
My Shop
If you like my original pin-up works guys my work is up for grabs on special made Fasion Designs and Products on my Society6 Page.
I'm selling my work prints first hand 8 x 10 laminated print and 11 x 17 Poster size prints. For laminated prints you can buy one and you will get a random print for free! This apply to US only unless you are willing to pay for extra cost out of state shipping.
2019 Projects – Animators – Voice Actors – Music Artist Wanted!
Maybe sometime this month or year I will be able to get back into doing a bit of flash work and art.
These aren't going to be worked on in necessary order and is not promising to get done.
Fan made projects will require more time to complete due to file recoveries and most of all seeing the team members are available.
This year I would like to start off things with something original.
This one has been a long time coming and I think it's time to at least tell the Queens story with a short animations/animatic format. I'm not much of a traditional animator but I'm attempting to try pup-petering character model. I plan on making her stories short and simple in mini series. This is an original project of mine and may need help working on it and maybe a paying project. I'm thinking of setting up a patreon page to help fund this project.
Don't get too excited about this one guys. This is something I'm thinking about working on once I feel the need to go back into sprite animations.
Lara and Claire are on a hunt for an ancient item that's not meant for mankind to posses. Lara discovers that the item determines the faith of humanity, while Claire is more about getting rich.
Jungle Hunt 4 ( Voice actors wanted for Wonder Woman and Super Man.)
I hope Batman will return soon this year guys, some of the voice actors that worked with me on this have moved. However I'm reaching out to you guys as well as those whom worked with me on the previous episodes.
This one is a iffy guys. A decent amount of recovery and gathering the files together is going to take some time. Let alone getting the team back together for it will be more time consuming. I'm glad people are asking for another episode but at the same time I feel bad that I may not be able to make this happen. But I don't plan on just throwing it away or if any of my fellow animators happen to complete their scenes or wish to continue to do so then there is some hope for it.
On another note I did see the new Broly movies and it's funny how the movie has the same idea I attended to the project. If you don't believe me check it out for yourself.
Broly Movie 2019
Frieza's Wish Feb 11 2017
And there you have it guys, I know it's basically the same old story but this is pretty much all I have for project wise that's been sitting in the box. Going to leave stream channel here just in case you catch me live.