Greetings Newgrounds Peoples and Fans.

Well another year has came a went and we're now heading into 2023. So... did you guys accomplish what you wanted to accomplish this year? Or there's some left overs? Then chuck it into next years plate, just keep in mind not to make a full plate if you think you can't eat it all. Meaning: (Do not take on any task more than you can handle.)
AI Image Generator.

Honestly we should have seen this coming sometime down the line and it's happening, this is what us artist have to deal with when new tech takes over, just as traditional animators had to deal with when computers came along, then computer animation and so on. I have to admit that this system can generate some pretty cool art but still has it's flaws such as parts of the body is rendered oddly shape or duplicated.

Don't get twisted, this new system is hurting a lot of talented artist and taking jobs away and people are calling themselves AI artists. I don't know how I feel about that really, but artist do use tools in other media form to create something amazing, so is creating a text algorithm to create image consider art as well? You tell me.
Re-Cap 2022

Well 2022 wasn't to bad, even with a steady job I was still able to pump out some projects. Yeah mostly fan art sprite animations, but never the less original works followed behind.


Was able to work on a few commission projects this year art wise, where a commission animation is pending. Not too sure if I want to take that job honestly. I did put some time into my shop a little and much love to those whom continue to snag prints it means a lot.

Studio Change

A couple years ago I mention in a post that my brother and I plan on opening up a small shop. Well... due to covid this dream didn't fall through as we plan. A lot of distraction and challenges got in the way, I won't get into details but let's just say a whole lot of bs.
Much Love To You.

I tell you guys, if it wasn't for streaming I wouldn't have come across an awesome supportive community, don't get me wrong you guys are my Newgrounds family as well. So much love to the new followers here. It puts a big cool-ad smile on my face when I see that bell notification lit up.
Thank you for daily pick on Guilty Force.
Queen Mascot
It's been a year since the Queen's first/second trailer I guess. In the November post was a mission to work on the Queen as much as I could. Mission completed. Animated Sprite Form...Check! Animated Emote and Alerts...Check! Get a plush made...Check! And what a feet that was. Here is a live stream re-cap of the Opening Box.

They did an amazing job guys! Since I'm not a big streamer to do a fundraiser to get plush made I decided to go straight to the manufactures to get it done. I just placed an order to get 100 made, this is going into the new product line up for my shop. Yes I will be selling these first hand.
I also plan to do a special live stream for people to get a chance to win one as one of the giveaway prizes, or people you can just purchase one.
For next year's project start off I will try to do another short episode of Fallen Kingdom. A new year and a fresh start to get things moving. Animation projects maybe a bit slow for next year where I'll be busy moving somethings around and getting rid of more stuff for spring cleaning. Going to keep a mind set of getting a new vehicle and a new place to move to. (For-reals!)
Well I think that's all I have as of now guys! This is basically the works for this year here and else where. Let's see what 2023 has in mind for us all. This post is not tended to be a bragging post, I hope it gives you any type of inspiration to just keep on going. Do not let this AI stuff discourage you from doing something you love to do! Keep moving forward!
Winter is here and the Holidays is around the corner, so this concludes the final post for 2022. I hope to see you guys next year. Be safe all and let's start next year off strong.

Until Then.
