Artist, Web Design, Illustrator, Animation. Welcome to my Newgrounds page. Here is where I like to do small animation projects. Some are 2D, 3D and even sprite.


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New Jersey

Joined on 5/24/07

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MysticSkillz's News

Posted by MysticSkillz - March 20th, 2023

Greetings Newgrounds Peoples and Fans.


Last couple post back I mention I plan to sale my old consoles and yes I still plan to do so. If any of you hardcore gamers wish to get your hands on some old school consoles now is your chance to get in the bid wars while you can.


I've been cleaning out some bins and came across my old consoles, I plan on selling these for a reasonable price including the games. The wire bin does look like a mess but I can assure you each console should have working power, tv cords as well as working controls.

iu_926463_1968023.webpThey all should still work and I'm willing to test them if anyone is interested in buying one. I will get all the games together for the console as well and most of the Xbox games is buried in the cord bin. Trust me guys these are some old school games collectors may want and other plug ins such as game shark, import game key for the saturn to play over sea games and more. I can't promise if the mics are working.


There's still PS, PS 1, PS 2 Games to go through. Also I have a potential buyers for Sega CD Bundle, Saturn, Dream Cast, Xbox. The highest bidder wins. The CD Case is all SEGA CD Original Games. Too Many To Go Through.







Sega CD $350.00

Sega Saturn $250.00

Dream Cast $400.00

PM me if you guys are interested in a console. 

I can assure you if anything is wrong with the consoles I will let you know Before Hand!

Until Then





Posted by MysticSkillz - March 2nd, 2023

Greetings Newgrounds Peoples and Fans.


Power Bout Published.

Until Then




Posted by MysticSkillz - February 7th, 2023

Greetings Newgrounds Peoples and Fans.


Happy New Year All, hopefully everyone New Year is starting off great. Then keep that momentum going. Just like to share a bit of news and updates on what's to come.... So let's get started.

Poor DeviantArt!


DeviantArt has become the victim of the pornographic plague and I don't think there's anything the developers of the site can do about it beside doing a complete reset.


What makes it even worst is that alt accounts are created to post pornographic images, normally this would be instant ban on the account, but these accounts are still active. And the topping of it is even if they close the accounts those images are still lurking around in preview panels. DeviantArt is now corrupted by the porn plague.

Making Space!


Spring will be coming up soon and I can't wait for things to start warming up again. I spent too much time working and wasting my time and energy working at a job when I barely have time for myself.

And I'm sure some of you can relate with this, time to work for yourself!

Will be Selling Old Consoles!


So I'm going to clearing out a lot of stuff guys and I mean it! I plan on selling some of my old consoles! That's right guys! I come to the point holding on my old consoles systems is just taking up space. So one of these days or very soon I will be going through them, putting them in order and selling them. If you guys are interested in any of the following consoles in the list below feel free to PM me or respond to this post and we can work something out.


Sege Genesis, Neo Geo, Super Nintendo, Sega Saturn, Dream Cast, Xbox Original. When I get a chance I will make a follow up post with pictures.

Bare with me on this segment a lot of things needs to get prep.

Fallen Kingdom


I still planning on doing another short for the Queen, but first I'm updating a decent amount of alerts for the stream and making it a bit more animated. Using references from Chel from The Road to El Dorado, her body movement is the perfect sassy behavior for the Queen. What do you think?

Her pluses are still in the works, due to the Chinese new year it will take a bit more time for shipping.

Big GiveAway Prizes will take place during a special stream.

Power Bout.


So I was going back to some old projects in the past and thought, you know what! Rogue and Power Girl vs Wonder Woman and Super Girl. Hmmm. I'm a bit curious how this will turn out. This is something I'm going to throw in the box for now.


Well I believe that concludes this post guys. There's more I would like to say but I think I'll save it for next time. Be Safe All and keep moving forward.

Until Then.





Posted by MysticSkillz - December 17th, 2022

Greetings Newgrounds Peoples and Fans.


Well another year has came a went and we're now heading into 2023. So... did you guys accomplish what you wanted to accomplish this year? Or there's some left overs? Then chuck it into next years plate, just keep in mind not to make a full plate if you think you can't eat it all. Meaning: (Do not take on any task more than you can handle.)

AI Image Generator.


Honestly we should have seen this coming sometime down the line and it's happening, this is what us artist have to deal with when new tech takes over, just as traditional animators had to deal with when computers came along, then computer animation and so on. I have to admit that this system can generate some pretty cool art but still has it's flaws such as parts of the body is rendered oddly shape or duplicated.


Don't get twisted, this new system is hurting a lot of talented artist and taking jobs away and people are calling themselves AI artists. I don't know how I feel about that really, but artist do use tools in other media form to create something amazing, so is creating a text algorithm to create image consider art as well? You tell me.

Re-Cap 2022


Well 2022 wasn't to bad, even with a steady job I was still able to pump out some projects. Yeah mostly fan art sprite animations, but never the less original works followed behind.









Was able to work on a few commission projects this year art wise, where a commission animation is pending. Not too sure if I want to take that job honestly. I did put some time into my shop a little and much love to those whom continue to snag prints it means a lot.


Studio Change


A couple years ago I mention in a post that my brother and I plan on opening up a small shop. Well... due to covid this dream didn't fall through as we plan. A lot of distraction and challenges got in the way, I won't get into details but let's just say a whole lot of bs.

Much Love To You.


I tell you guys, if it wasn't for streaming I wouldn't have come across an awesome supportive community, don't get me wrong you guys are my Newgrounds family as well. So much love to the new followers here. It puts a big cool-ad smile on my face when I see that bell notification lit up.

Thank you for daily pick on Guilty Force.

Queen Mascot

iu_839417_1968023.gifIt's been a year since the Queen's first/second trailer I guess. In the November post was a mission to work on the Queen as much as I could. Mission completed. Animated Sprite Form...Check! Animated Emote and Alerts...Check! Get a plush made...Check! And what a feet that was. Here is a live stream re-cap of the Opening Box.


They did an amazing job guys! Since I'm not a big streamer to do a fundraiser to get plush made I decided to go straight to the manufactures to get it done. I just placed an order to get 100 made, this is going into the new product line up for my shop. Yes I will be selling these first hand.

I also plan to do a special live stream for people to get a chance to win one as one of the giveaway prizes, or people you can just purchase one.

For next year's project start off I will try to do another short episode of Fallen Kingdom. A new year and a fresh start to get things moving. Animation projects maybe a bit slow for next year where I'll be busy moving somethings around and getting rid of more stuff for spring cleaning. Going to keep a mind set of getting a new vehicle and a new place to move to. (For-reals!)

Well I think that's all I have as of now guys! This is basically the works for this year here and else where. Let's see what 2023 has in mind for us all. This post is not tended to be a bragging post, I hope it gives you any type of inspiration to just keep on going. Do not let this AI stuff discourage you from doing something you love to do! Keep moving forward!

Winter is here and the Holidays is around the corner, so this concludes the final post for 2022. I hope to see you guys next year. Be safe all and let's start next year off strong.


Until Then.






Posted by MysticSkillz - November 28th, 2022

Greetings Newgrounds Peoples and Fans.


Guilty Force is Published.


Until Then




Posted by MysticSkillz - November 9th, 2022

Greetings Newgrounds Peoples and Fans.


Just want you guys to know I'm currently brewing up some goodies on the side, mainly for my Queen mascot character. I'm glad she's making a mark in the streaming community and we would like to do something very special for her.

Queen Sprite Commission


:O WOW! Much love to Zardoc for creating the Queen in sprite form. I love it so much! This will definitely have a place on stream.

New Alert

Will animate a new alert for stream.

Fallen Kingdom 2

I do plan on creating a second short episode for her web animatic comic. Thanks Queeny! You pretty much filled up the project plate.

Queen Plush Project


So for the next 2 months or so I will be focusing on her for a bit.

This has been a long time coming for my little mascot and I think she'll will be worth every penny. People will get a chance to win one as well as to purchase one. I'm currently getting my pricing with different manufacturers as you reading this. If anyone know a really good manufacturers that can provide a really good deal for a low budget price. Let me know. I am searching on the Alibaba site.

Until Then





Posted by MysticSkillz - October 15th, 2022

Greetings Newgrounds Peoples and Fans.


Winter is around the corner and Universal Flavor is ready for it with new long sleeve T-Shirts and Sweaters. Get ahead of nature and snag your print today! I've got mines :p



Guilty Force


Thanks for the love on the Rival of the Bullies match up.

I had so much fun working on it that I decide to brew up another match up between Leona and King vs Satsujin and Jam title Guilty Force.


The theme I have in mind with this is Leona and King are part of the Guilty Gear Force and wants to unlock the power Satsujin possesses with her hair. The concern I have with this project is will flash be able to handle the HD sprites?


There is the option of limiting the amount of sprites I can use as well as effects, and second is to create a split file to lighten the memory load from the other. I would like to stream this project as well but first is to prep the library. If this works out you can catch the making on my Twitch Page come join the chill stream and also chances to win prizes.

Be safe all!

Until Then





Posted by MysticSkillz - September 29th, 2022

Rival of the Bullies!


Until Then.





Posted by MysticSkillz - September 23rd, 2022

Greetings Newgrounds Peoples and Fans


Well summer is over and the leaves are beginning to fall, that autumn cold feeling is here and this can be a sign that winter is going to be a cold one. Summer still hanging around a bit but not much longer.

Rival of the Bullies.


Yup! I know I've worked with Sakura in the Ryu vs Akuma saga and yes I'm giving her one more shot in another upcoming 2 on 2 bout between Karin and Ingrid vs Sakura and Hinata.


Sakura is finally done putting up with Karin's constant bullying, with her partner in crime Ingrid. Pretty much a typical school rivalry to prove which one is the best. And now the stage is set to end this rival once and for all.


Catch the making live on Twitch this weekend. Sorry I don't have set times when I stream, you'll just have to hit that follow button and turn on that notification button.  

Until Then





Posted by MysticSkillz - September 6th, 2022

Greetings Newgrounds Peoples and Fans.


How do you handle things at work?

Hey guys! I would like to hear from you about how do/would handle things at work if you get annoyed by some of the things that take place in your work field.


Do you see managers/workers slacking off? Managers bark orders more than lending a helping hand or even taking the time to explain how the job should be done then just asking questions on how it should be done.


I find this quite annoying! Don't get it twisted, I'm a very hard worker where I'm sweating my ass off. But if I'm doing all the hard work and others just standing by watching instead of helping, it would be hard for me not to say anything without coming off as being an asshole.


So that's why it's always good to cover your own ass by taking picture of before and after snap shots before completing a job. Make a portfolio of what you do and you are covered. And you can pretty much tell them to go...




Now that the rant is out of the way, as I mention in the last post I was going to invest in a new tablet and I have. After a couple of weeks of searching which tablet will suite me well. After comparing prices on ebay and amazon, thank god I just happened to come across the Xppen website. I don't think you will find any better deals on tablets than them.




So I got myself the Artist 12 standard version. Didn't wanted the touch screen or extra perks that comes with the other version. This tablet is perfect for what I do and I must say I love it! It's my very first screen tablet and thank god it works with the programs.


Also thank you guys for the front page! I know I'm late about it, but this is my very first front page pic, and I'm glad the Queen made it happen :D

New Universal Flavor Print Now Available.

Tough Girl 3 is here! I'm getting a shirt. :p


I'm currently trying to reach a 1300 follow goal on my Twitch channel. Once goal is reached I will be doing a big prize giveaway stream where you can win steam games, prints, sub to the channel, become vip, and money.

Must be following the channel for some time and no alt accounts are allowed to claim prizes.

Commission Close.


My schedule may get a bit busy again and I need to find that balance where I can sneak in some more contents. I'm not taking any commissions at the moment, not risking taking on more than I can chew.

Thank you! 3K on Youtube!


Much love to the new followers here on Newgrounds as well as the subscribers on my Youtube channel. Wow we reached 3K :O! Ohh that is so hot! Here's some naughty gifs for you!




Lol seriously! Thank you guys so much! It means a lot! I'm in art mode now, so it's going to be some time for me to do flash work. With that said, I've play the TMNT Shredders Revenge game and I love it! If these sprites happened to get ripped I have something in mind for our green heroes. As well as other projects I have in mind.


Anyways, this is where we conclude this post folks, just wanted to give you a bit of update.

Winter is coming.

Until Then


