Good, very stylize and smooth animation. I like it. Dope character design as well, you should keep going with her and do a story.
Good, very stylize and smooth animation. I like it. Dope character design as well, you should keep going with her and do a story.
As fun as it would be to keep a story going with this character, she's owned by the music artist who commissioned the video. Granted I may be able to get permission to use her? We'll see!
So true, same thing happen to me when I fought the first boss. Thank god it has good check points.
Are you telling me dude I would find Bungie Studios and have some words
Glad you dig it Mystic
Very creative, good animation as well. I can see a series of this guy finding his way home.
Thanks dude! I may or may not have a 20 page script written for a short evolving this guy...
I'm hoping you do the entire Ninja Gaiden 2 episode! Please do so!
Oh man, that's is much work hehe but let me try!
Very well done Tech! That was awesome man! I love the upside down choreograph scene. Very well done sir! That looked tricky to pull off. Animation and quality was very smooth, good long episode and best one yet! Keep up the good work man.
I'm glad you love one of the hardest editing scenes. xD thanks!
lol that's funny. I remember seeing a post about that on FB. It's cool to see it animated.
Thanks dude yeah it was almost canned but I wrapped.
Now this is new. Hope to see a finish version soon.
Yeah not the same ole Sonic vs Mario shtick haha. Thanks for watching.
Artist, Web Design, Illustrator, Animation. Welcome to my Newgrounds page. Here is where I like to do small animation projects. Some are 2D, 3D and even sprite.
Content Creator
New Jersey
Joined on 5/24/07