Really good flash work. Hows the real game play?
Really good flash work. Hows the real game play?
thats something for you to find out ;P
Great animation style keep em coming.
This is just too funny! Love the art style your on my fav list.
This is soo funny! Great Job on the animation guys.
Can any one tell me whats the name of the song during the street fight? Please message me with the tilte if you know.
Yea man! You have a really nice style in the flash work, I like your menu graphics as well. Keep em coming man.
Part 1 and 2 is really awsome man! Great Job, I think you should do another one, but this time with Ken VS SubZero.
Nice Job
I remember the game. I use to have part 1 and 2 for the Sega CD system. When I let a friend hold it he lost it! Now I want that game back. Looking forward for part 2.
Great Concept
Great animation and concept. The title If says the animation, the poor man could have found his wife cheating and end up killing her. And see a woman who is engage remind him of his wife.
Artist, Web Design, Illustrator, Animation. Welcome to my Newgrounds page. Here is where I like to do small animation projects. Some are 2D, 3D and even sprite.
Content Creator
New Jersey
Joined on 5/24/07