There is no dout you must continue. I enjoy these Tome episodes. I have a feeling about the little arrow kid. He just might win this! 5
Also keep Steph new hair style!
There is no dout you must continue. I enjoy these Tome episodes. I have a feeling about the little arrow kid. He just might win this! 5
Also keep Steph new hair style!
What can I say, these are funny.
I have to admit these are great! 5
lol. That was good.
That just made my day. 5 XD
lol. That's sooo funny and true that Mr. Popo looks like that Pokemon. I never thought about that.
This is something I would like to see on Toonami. 5
Aww thanks alot
That was awesome Tech! Sakura is a great fighter as well as Karin! They both seem equally match at one point. My favorite part is when Karin was doing an air kick combo and then spin slam Sakura to the ground. That was nice! :) Great job my friend! Keep em coming!
Thanks! I'm really glad you enjoyed that part, and well.. the whole thing! :D
Good effects for an intro. Looking forward to seeing what you got coming. I will keep an eye out for this.
Thank you very much :D
Artist, Web Design, Illustrator, Animation. Welcome to my Newgrounds page. Here is where I like to do small animation projects. Some are 2D, 3D and even sprite.
Content Creator
New Jersey
Joined on 5/24/07