This is great! Smooth animation and camera movement. I love the sketchy effect as well.
This is great! Smooth animation and camera movement. I love the sketchy effect as well.
That's deep man. Good one.
Animation is smooth, the title should came last, and the text need to stand out more. Adjust the scream volume down, and last I don't think it's a good idea to upload intros and test to the portal. If you want people to see a sample of your work just upload it into the dump bin and add a link to it. Overall not bad.
Thanks Mystic it's been a while since I've posted anything so I wanted to post something simple but can't wait to see your part for the collab :)
This is cool! I love the choreograph. Hope to see more sprite work from you, keep it up.
Looks like Dave has a new friend to chill with to help him get through college this time. Can't wait for the next one. Btw I love the walk out. lol
I guess I was one of the lucky ones that didn't go blind when I took life drawing; because the models that come in wasn't in nude. But this just bring back memories.
LMAO! So true!
Good, very stylize and smooth animation. I like it. Dope character design as well, you should keep going with her and do a story.
As fun as it would be to keep a story going with this character, she's owned by the music artist who commissioned the video. Granted I may be able to get permission to use her? We'll see!
Artist, Web Design, Illustrator, Animation. Welcome to my Newgrounds page. Here is where I like to do small animation projects. Some are 2D, 3D and even sprite.
Content Creator
New Jersey
Joined on 5/24/07