Greetings Newgrounds Peoples and Fans.
Artist - ShingYong84
March of 2017 is the Month I’ll be publishing Frieza’s Wish Episode 1.
This project grew way bigger than I expected and I’m force to make the movie into a two part episode.
Episode one will be pretty much the build up storyline of everything that’s going to happen with the good guys and the bad guys. Some of my animators reached out to me on their progress and they are doing a great job on their parts. Some maybe near completion and others may take a bit more time to do. And others I yet heard back from, so doing this can work in our favor by having a two part movie. All lines haven't been used yet!
Episode two will be more epic and heavy duty and I will be able to write a bit more into the story. This also gives the animators more time to work.
I like to give thanks to the following for helping this project get this far. I really, really, REALLY appreciate all you guys done for me. Running time will be around 37 Minutes.
My Team Players! THANK YOU!
@stephenjpena @austinjaycook @FussBox @gianni @Markafoi @sailorsilverstar @Rollu @lesismoar @shock-dingo @saminat @Supahninja @retroarcademonkey @espsiongold2 @HipnikDragomir @RealFaction @Cubixfails
@DragonBallSF @diochi @joedragonn @ReaperSound @drterrydactyl @athanatos @deshiel @AliceMako @agitat0r @Blazejecar
You guys did an amazing job and once this is out feel free to use it as you please.
For now I will be going back to each scene doing some major polish, touch ups and corrections.
Here is the Final Trailer for the up coming project.
Until Then
Can't wait!
Ditto. ;)