Greetings Newgrounds Peoples and Fans.
A whole year has pass already since the first announcement of this project and we are falling into year two.
XD I know I said in previous post I won’t post anything new until all files are in hand, but I don’t thing I should just leave you hanging like that with out a little something.
Sorry if these post are starting to sound like a broken record about the project, just like to share with you guys this time a spoil alert of the story and development behind the Frieza’s Wish project.
I won’t show you guys too much thou, just a couple of snippets and to clarifying the concept behind this project. What’s cool is that this thing is growing bigger as it continues to be in the works.
So far the story completion is about 65% done. The animation part is about 25% and the recording I will say 40% done. So things take time. I’m still working on dialog scenes at the moment so I won’t be streaming those scenes anymore. Once I get those taking care of and out the way, I will be able to jump into action scenes. Then I will resume streaming.
In the mean time guys here is an inside look of where we at now.
So there you have it folks. It''s been a month so I figured to share a small status update.
Until Then.

im lookin forward to workin with ya bud
Thanks DapperBomb, and thanks for taking part in it.