Greetings Newgrounds Peoples and Fans!
I would like to let you guys know that I've still have some projects that I would like to get started working on, but some of you may know that my computer has taken a turn for the worst and blown it's hard drive. So sad! :/
Due to the lack amount of ram needed for me to work on the following projects below, I will have to put them on stand by once the new system comes to play.

Ryu vs Akuma The Final Round. (Sprite) (Stand by)
Art by TovioRogers
Yes! This will be the last episode of Ryu vs Akuma series for me. The previous episode was fun and I was able to give it a new style to the project. I can't wait to start working on this final part, I will make it long as possible and give you guys a good fight.

Rising Dawn. (Original Project)
China Funk is based off my brothers upcoming comic project, I will be taking his character to work on an animated intro for his character. Logo Design is owned and copyrighted by

Fulgore's Virus. (Sprite) (Status: Collecting Graphics)
I'm jumping back into KI for this one and giving Fulgore his moment, or should I say; I'm giving Fulgore a Virus.
This project may come sooner than the others, please don't hold me to that. But I really would like to work on this soon if this temp computer allows the amount of work I like to put into it.
And that concludes the Project list that's currently on standby and I'm hoping to work on them soon. It's a lot of work but this is how I like to stay busy here on Newgrounds for the rest of the year. But it doesn't end there! ;)
There is still the matter of collaborations still to come. And speaking of collaborations, here is where I need your help.
Remember The Ultimate Dog Fight?
Well I have came up with a fight series I would like to work on as well as to get hired by Death Battle to see what they will say. I haven't gotten a respond yet, but I'm going to go ahead and work on this anyways.
There have been SF vs MK and there have been KOF vs SF so I would like to present to you...
Killer Instinct vs Darkstalkers. (Sprite) (Status: On and off Project)


Votes so far:
1. Lilith vs Kim Wu (Status: Done)

2. Morrigan vs Orchid (Status: Animating)

3. Felicia vs Raptor
Until I'm able to get my hands on a new system, I will like to work on short fight battle between these bad ass brawlers.
It will be short battle between the fighters that gets picked as well as it being interactive at the end just like The Ultimate Dog Fight.
So people I'm in need of your help to see whom will make a good fight.
(You can only pick one character from each side!)
The characters that gets pick the most in a match up will be used in the fight! Once I total up the amount of times the character is picked, he or she will be added to the fight. Since Darkstalkers has more characters than KI, the less character picked from their side will not be used.
For Example:
If someone was to say. (Jon Talbain vs Lilith)
And someone else say. (Sabrewulf vs Lilith)
Lilith will be picked from the selection.
As you can see Sabrewulf and Jon Talbain have already been marked out of the battle. Sorry! I know it seems unfair but I really don't like re-using same sprites. Fulgore has his own project so he don't count!
Dog Fight was a fight I wanted to see and do for the longest. XD
Also if your an audio artist and would like one of your music in a fight, just type in the comment that you would like to share your music in this project and I will listen to your library and inform you what beat I would like to use. No lyrics please just beats and if you have a certain beat you would like me to listen too, just IM it to me and I will take a listen if it's yeh or nah.
Please if your beat don't get pick don't take it personally!
So guys, let me know what you think and who will make a good match up.
Until Then.